Thursday, December 14, 2006

What once was lost, now is found

False alarm on the lost camera front. Accordingly, here are a few pics from last weekend, along with a thought for the day.

The playground. Adults deserve recess too. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Bryan stuck in the snow pack. Really.
Looking out of Gold Hill at Longs Peak. I'll climb that 14,000 foot bitch one of these days.

Riding out of Gold Hill with the foothills rising up to the Divide. Awesome.

Peet's has been brewing some strong ass coffee lately. It has really been wigging me out. And as I scramble to hydrate my brain back to a state where I feel my eyeballs are relaxed rather than twitching from side to side without the aid of any stimuli, I wonder, "What the hell caffiene? Why must I enjoy an excellent roast and the resulting cup of coffee that you so cleverly hide yourself in?"

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